What Is The Smart Street Light

1.What is the smart street light

smart street light refer to the urban IoT basic platform based on mobile communication networks and street lights, which adopts advanced. Highly efficient. Stable power line carrier communication technology and wireless communication technology can improve management efficiency, reduce operation and maintenance costs, save energy and reduce emissions, and help the construction of smart cities.

What Is The Connected Street Lights

2.What is the function of smart street light

2.1 Lighting function: by precisely switching the lumen. On-demand lighting, switch control street lights. Real-time dimming. Fault monitoring. Fault location, on the basis of energy saving, but also save maintenance costs, improve maintenance efficiency.

2.2 Emergency charging: Electric vehicles are available. Through the intelligent platform system, it can provide a variety of payment methods for the charging station of battery vehicles, which is conducive to the promotion of new energy vehicles.

2.3 Video surveillance: Video surveillance can be installed in any corner of the city as needed, and traffic flow is achieved by loading cameras. Real-time road conditions. Violations of laws and regulations. Municipal facilities. Crowd. Parking lot. Security and other monitoring. It can cover the eye of heaven in the city, creating a stable and stable security environment.

2.4 Communication services: Through the WiFi network provided by smart light poles, it provides an information highway for the promotion and application of smart cities, forming a sky network.

2.5 Information release: Smart light poles are provided through the network: municipal information. Policing Information. Weather conditions. Road traffic and other information through the platform quickly. LED information release screen released in real time.

2.6 Environmental monitoring: By equipping various environmental monitoring sensors, real-time monitoring of environmental information in all corners of the city, such as temperature. Humidity. Wind velocity. Wind. PM2.5. Rainfall, stagnant water, etc., and provide data to relevant departments through the background.

2.7 One-click help: By loading the emergency help button, you can quickly contact police officers or medical personnel, and in the event of an emergency in the surrounding environment, through the one-click alarm function.

3.What is the advantages of smart street light

First of all, the lighting mode has been further improved and can be controlled intelligently. Smart street lights adjust the brightness of the lights according to the traffic flow on the road and the actual lighting requirements. This makes the brightness of the lamp more humane, meets the needs of different scenes, and saves a lot of electricity.

Secondly, smart street lights have a long service life, so the cost performance is much better than traditional street lights. Traditional street lamps may be damaged under full load pressure for a long time, resulting in scrap. However, smart street lights can greatly reduce the full load working hours due to intelligent control, so they can increase the service life of traditional street lights by 20%.

Thirdly, the later maintenance of smart street lights is more convenient. It should be known that the maintenance and maintenance of traditional street lamps requires manpower and vehicles to check and repair, but the installation of smart street lamps can reduce the cost of manpower and material resources in the later stage. Because the smart street lamp realizes the performance of computer remote monitoring, you can know the operation of the street lamp without visiting the scene.

4.What is the meaning of smart street light

4.1 The construction of urban public lighting management informatization can improve the emergency dispatch of street lamps.
4.2 It can reduce social security incidents caused by lighting failures, such as traffic accidents.
4.3 Save the energy consumption of urban public lighting to the greatest extent and build an environmentally friendly and green city.
4.4 Prevent the loss of street lamps caused by objective factors such as leakage and power theft.

Zenith Lighting is a Professional manufacturer of all kinds of street lamps, if you have any inquiry or project, please do not hesitate to contact with us.

Post time: Feb-14-2023