How To Choose The Color Temperature Of LED Street Light

The concept of color temperature is often seen by everyone, so what does the color temperature of LED street light mean? Color temperature is a physical quantity used to define the color of light sources in lighting optics. Let’s take a look at the characteristics and common sense of color temperature.

Characteristics of color temperature of LED street light
1. The characteristics of LED color temperature, low color temperature: the color temperature is 3000K-4000K, the light color is yellowish to give a warm feeling; there is a stable atmosphere, a sense of warmth; when irradiated with a low color temperature light source, it can make the objects appear more vivid colors .
2. The characteristics of LED color temperature, medium color temperature: the color temperature is in the middle of 4000-5500K, people have no particularly obvious visual psychological effect in this color tone, and have a refreshing feeling; so it is called “neutral” color temperature. When a medium color temperature light source is used to illuminate an object, the color of the object has a cool feeling.
3. The characteristics of LED color temperature, high color temperature: color temperature exceeds 5500K, the light color is bluish, giving people a cold feeling, when using a high color temperature light source, the color of the object appears cold.

Basic knowledge of LED color temperature
Definition of color temperature: When the color of the light emitted by the light source is the same as the color of the radiation of the black body at a certain temperature, the temperature of the black body is called the color temperature of the light source.

Because most of the light emitted by an illumination light source is commonly referred to as white light, the color table temperature or correlated color temperature of the light source is used to refer to the degree to which the light color is relatively white to quantify the light color performance of the light source. According to Max Planck’s theory, a standard blackbody with complete absorption and radiation capability is heated, and the temperature gradually increases. The luminosity also changes accordingly; the blackbody curve on the CIE color coordinate shows that the blackbody consists of red-orange-yellow-yellow-white-white-blue White process. The temperature at which the black body is heated to the same or close to the color of the light source is defined as the relevant color temperature of the light source, which is called the color temperature, and the unit is the absolute temperature K (Kelvin, or Kelvin) (K=℃+273.15) . Therefore, when the black body is heated to red, the temperature is about 527°C or 800K, and its temperature affects the change of light color.

The more bluish the color, the higher the color temperature; the reddish the lower the color temperature. The light color of the day also changes with time: 40 minutes after sunrise, the light color is yellower, the color temperature is about 3,000K; the noon sunshine is white, rising to 4,800-5,800K, and the cloudy day is about 6,500K; the light color before sunset Reddish, the color temperature dropped to about 2,200K. Because the correlated color temperature is actually a black body radiation close to the light color of the light source, the evaluation value of the light color performance of the light source is not an accurate color comparison, so two light sources with the same color temperature value may have a light color appearance There are still some differences. The color temperature alone cannot understand the color rendering ability of the light source to the object, or the degree of color reproduction of the object under the light source.
The color temperature of the light source is different, and the light color is also different. The color temperature is 4000K-5500K has a stable atmosphere and a warm feeling; the color temperature is 5500-6500K as the intermediate color temperature, which has a refreshing feeling; the color temperature above 6500K has a cold feeling, different from different light sources Light color constitutes the best environment.

LED Street Light

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Post time: Mar-20-2023