How do streetlights work in extreme weather?

In the cold winter months, snowstorms often come out of nowhere, posing great challenges to urban transportation and life. However, no matter how thick the snow is or how cold the wind is, streetlights always stand firmly on the streets, lighting the way for us to move forward. Today, let’s take an in-depth look at how streetlights are ensured to function properly during snowstorms through a range of advanced technologies and designs.


streetlights in extreme weather


1. Heating device: the secret weapon against freezing

Cold temperatures in snowstorms are a severe test for streetlights. To keep streetlights working properly in extreme cold, modern streetlights often have heaters. These heaters kick in automatically when the temperature drops below freezing, so the bulbs and circuits stay safe from the cold. This secret weapon against freezing ensures that streetlights can still shine properly in the dead of winter.


2. Automatic Snow Removal System: A “Hardworking Assistant” to Keep It Clean

When snow covers streetlights, the light may be blocked, affecting the lighting effect. Some streetlights have automatic snow removal systems. These systems usually use heating elements or mechanical vibrations to remove snow. For instance, a built-in heating element melts the snow, while a mechanical vibration shakes it off. These automatic snow clearing systems are like hard-working assistants, keeping streetlights bright as ever during snowstorms.


3. Waterproof sealing design: a strong defense against melting snow

In heavy snowstorms, the water formed by melting snow may penetrate into the street light, resulting in short circuits or corrosion. To prevent this from happening, modern streetlights adopt a waterproof sealing design. Both the lamp body and the circuitry are sealed with waterproof materials to ensure that the internal components are protected from moisture. This sturdy line of defense greatly improves the durability of the streetlight in inclement weather.


4. Backup Power: Emergency Protection in Snowstorms

Strong winds and snowstorms can cause power supply interruptions, which can affect the normal operation of streetlights. That’s why lots of cities have installed backup power systems on their streetlights, like solar panels and emergency generators. These backup power sources can automatically switch over when the main power source fails, so that streetlights stay on and pedestrians and drivers stay safe in snowstorms.


5. Intelligent control system: the “brain” of efficient management

Intelligent control systems are really important in snowstorms. These systems can keep an eye on the weather and how the street lights are working in real time, and they can automatically adjust the brightness and when the lights come on if needed. For instance, in the case of snowstorms, the system can boost the brightness of streetlights and extend the lighting time to guarantee visibility and safety on the roads. These smart management tools not only make streetlights more efficient, but they also help save energy.


During snowstorms, streetlights keep the city safe and lit with these high-tech designs. They’re not just simple lighting tools. They’re also strong guardians in extreme weather. The next time you see that warm glow of light in a blizzard, take a moment to appreciate the convenience and peace of mind that these technologies bring. The streetlights keep us company on cold winter nights and keep our cities warm and bright in blizzards.

Post time: Jun-14-2024